The firm has imagined just how unreliable a car could be. It has taken data from 50,000 live policies and put together a motor built of components from the worst performing models in each category of its Reliability Index. Surprisingly, Japanese motors – usually feted for their bullet-proof reliability – feature prominently.
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Warranty Direct
Is buying a used car warranty worth it? What is and isn’t covered?
What is a used car warranty?
Whether or not you buy a used car warranty depends on the type of person you are. Are you prepared to gamble and hope that nothing will go wrong with a used car? Will you save a small amount of money each month to build up a fund for running and repairing your car? Or would you prefer to play it safe? If the answer is play it safe, then you should consider taking out a used car warranty. This is essentially an insurance policy against the cost of parts and labour following any mechanical or electrical failure. Continue reading
How to choose the most reliable supermini

Checking whether the car you want to buy should be reliable is easy to do (Picture © Mazda)
It used to be one of the most difficult questions to answer for a car buyer – what is the most reliable car money can buy? Yet is has always been one of the most important too, as no driver wants to invest their hard-earned cash in a car that’s going to be as temperamental as a toddler. Continue reading
£6bn not enough to fix pothole plague

Potholes have become a regular and unwelcome feature of our motoring landscape. (Picture © Warranty Direct)
The Government’s promised £6 billion over six years to tackle the country’s pothole plague won’t be enough to fix the huge backlog of road repairs, according to councils. Some local authorities claim it will take them £100m to complete work on the holes in the road that can wreck car tyres, wheels and suspension parts. Continue reading
Luxury cars top pothole damage claims list
Upmarket motors are the most likely to suffer from suspension damage caused by the shocking state of our roads, experts claim. Continue reading