One in 10 UK drivers say they never perform any kind of safety check on their vehicle. And 14 million licence holders check their cars once a year or less. Those are the shocking findings following some recent research by Green Flag and road safety charity Brake.
If you want to test your knowledge of car maintenance, why not try our quiz? It’s fun and it’ll help give some tips and pointers for what you should do to keep your car in top shape.
Well done. You certainly seem to know your car and how to look after it.
Hmmm. These are all basic jobs and you should be carrying them out on a regular basis. We have plenty of helpful tips and expert advice on Green Flag Blog.

#1. What is the minimum legal tread depth for a car tyre?
You need to check up on your Highway Code. The minimum legal tread depth is 1.6mm although some car makers suggest changing tyres at 3mm.

#2. Your headlight has a cracked lens. You should…
A cracked headlight lens is an MOT failure point and it might even result in water getting into the delicate electrics of your car. You should replace it.

#3. How often should you change your car’s windscreen wipers?
Windscreen wipers have a life span like many other moving parts of the car. It’s safest to change them before they wear out which means swapping them roughly every two years.

#4. Which of these statements about engine oil is false?
Engine oil is the lifeblood of an engine and it’s vital to check it on a regular basis as low oil can shorten an engine’s lifespan.

#5. How often should you check your tyres?
Experts from tyre companies recommend you check your tyres’ pressure and tread depth once a fortnight.

#6. Where will you find the reservoir for the brake system?
The reservoir for the brakes is found in the engine bay. It shouldn’t need topping up but it’s advisable to check the level of fluid in it just in case.

#7. When topping up your car’s coolant, which most accurately describes what you should use?
If it’s an emergency you can use water but you should really test the concentration of the anti-freeze in the system before filling it accordingly. Anti-freeze that is too diluted won’t work properly in cold weather.

#8. If the red oil warning light pops up on your instrument panel while you’re driving you should…
You should stop immediately. That light only appears if your engine doesn’t have sufficient oil or the oil isn’t getting to where it should in the engine. Continuing to drive can cause significant, possibly permanent damage.

#9. Do you need to check how much fluid is in your engine’s coolant system?
It’s true that engine coolant systems are sealed but coolant can still leak out so it’s worth checking.

#10. What do you do when your engine needs oil?
Having too much oil is almost as dangerous for an engine as having too little. So pour in a little at a time, measuring it on the dipstick to know when it’s full enough. And remember it can take a little bit of time for the oil to make its way down the filler pipe into where the dipstick measures it.
misunderstood question 4, Thought it was no oil on dipstick, whereupon I would top up.
Your answer to question 4 is wrong I believe. The middle answer is your stated correct response but this does not agree with the guide statement which matches the third answer.
Enjoyed doing the quiz happy with the result not bad for a 70yr old
That tells me!
Good game should be done a lot more
Engine oil is the lifeblood of an engine and it’s vital to check it on a regular basis as low oil can shorten an engine’s lifespan.
i put this.but you say its wrong.WHY?
Oil helps an engine run smoothly. But it’s not a necessity
why do you say that this is the right answer?
To stop driving immediately just because a warning light comes on is a dangerous manuvere, only stop when it is safe to do so.
Engine oil lubricates and cools an engine and therefore reduces wear and tear, it does not allow the engine to run smoothly.
Informative quiz. The regular newsletter is a great idea.
Eye opening
As an integral part of family life your car’s care and safety are more importamt than your wallet.
You haven’t a clue
Most modern cars now tell you if any of your tyre pressure are low.
I believe that if you drive you should know all the basics about the safe running of your vehicle.
I work in a Petrol station when I was young feeling people cars. They also a a work shop for cars so I just I learnt the basics. So pleased I did the question as I have learnt a bit more about how to
Look after my car. Many thanks
Thank you it has opened my eyes so helpfull keep it up once again thank you
Very good quiz. Used to be a mechanic but it was 60 years ago
Useful tips for ladies
Answer 7 would have been ready mixed Anti freeze.
Answer 8, had the experience of oil light coming on while driving. Checked the oil level, all ok. Then drove it to a garage to have the oil changed and the service interval re-set.
Great little test thanks.
That’s a good knowledge check.
Really good quiz will done
did fairly well !!
All the time – I was wrong on question 1 but in the right direction- I check my tyres every month – and oil level – I try to be the good motorist
Don`t agree with question 4 answer, oil is essential for the engine, no oil and the engine will seize up
8/10 no bad but should have been better.
A car will break down when you least expect it. By checking it regularly you can cut down the odds considerably.
Good little quiz !
I am 82 years old so leave MOST of the jobs to my mechanic.
9 out of 10,good quiz
I mis-read #4 or would have got 9/10
I didn’t do bad nothing too serious
Score please
So if your car fails the MOT on its wiper blades don’t replace them
This keeps you informed on the things you should check regularly
Good test got 8/10 not too bad
did worse than I thought, but I will remember where I went wrong
9/10 most were common sense
I’m a woman and I got 9out 10 . Good quix
Enjoyable quiz and will show people what they need to know
Read 1 question wrongly, otherwise 100%
9 out 10 did pretty well
I’m pleased with my result only one question wrong happy days
Disappointed that I didn’t do better.
TBH Only thing I have to check on mine is screenwash. The TPMS SYSTEM checks my tyres. Advantages of having an electric car.
Good quiz. I did better than I thought, but I’ll remember the 3 I got wrong!!
Interesting now I know did not do too bad
Did really well but I thought I would
Learnt things I did not know
Wouldn’t tell me how I did!!
‘It depends’ is not an answer to any question
Do you really believe that your engine will not eventually grind to a halt without oil
Tell that to my bank manager
I think you may like myself have miss read the question?? IE which of the statements was FALSE. answers one and three will ruin an engine but oil is a necessity. It was only when i re read the question i realised my mistake . OPS
I agree. I let a car run out of oil once (many years ago!) – new engine jobbie as I remember.
Just my full service on it so all ok but Quiz was helpful
Good quiz
Engine oil not only for smooth running but also is essential for cooling.
The ones I got wrong will help me to remember what to do in future
Hmm 6/10, must try harder…..
I did well just 4 wrong
Good quiz, 7/10 – didn’t realise the legal depth on a tyre was only 1.6mm.
Good wee quiz
I don’t agree with the antifreeze thing – most modern antifreezes do not use water. If you top up with water only then you are diluting the mixture.
I don’t agree either. It is better to have coolant with a high concentration of antifreeze than one that is too low. And since it is impossible to tell how much antifreeze is in your coolant when it is in the engine, the best policy is to always top-up with antifreeze rather than water.
Don’t get upset guy’s, there are so many factors regarding dilution, type of antifreeze and time of season, that the Correct Answer had to be, and indeed was …. ‘IT DEPENDS’ ….
I must admit I have not topped it up myself for years as it is done every time it is serviced. So when I used to do the self was years ago when you can get two star petrol lol
Yes i DON’T agree with antifreeze one you can’t have to much antifreeze.
Got more right than thought its down to commonsense
Learned something today, thank you
I always check my oil, water in engine coolant level and washer tank, tyre pressure’s every week or when I think I need to.
Good quiz happy to get 9
Good quiz happy to get 9
I disagree with the 2 I was marked down on..I will keep doing it my way thanks
Got 5 out of 10 and just like my old school reports, can do better. Did not realise the thing about tyres
This helped me alot I don’t know much about cars i just put petrol in and drive. Thanks greenflag x
Just Anti Freeze is right answer.
I agree with richard stamper i top up with coolent, which is of course ready diluted antifreeze. I am a driver with many years experience the quiz is mostly common sense. if you do not look after your car it will not look after you.
Basic if you’ve ever driven for a living
A reminder doesn’t harm
Got antifreeze wrong. Most antifreeze nowadays comes already made up.
Great quiz
7 out 10
Good q
Good quiz, got 2 wrong, but makes you think!!
How do I get my marks?
I agree with Richard Stamper I only use the orange anti freeze, never put just water in.
‘it depends’ isn’t an answer! ‘water’ isn’t an answer because people will think tap water! So I top up with anti freeze (apparently I got that wrong)
‘Didn’t say how many I got right so I assume all of them !
Whoops, Thank goodness for my garage chaps who keep an eye on my car for me! now Im in GreenFlag, Im really in Good hands!
I would put anti freeze of the type recommended by the manufacturer.
Difficult to stop driving if on motor way. especially smart sorry dumb ones !
One of the questions I read it the wrong way round, it was the identify the false statement, and I didn’t read it right, I was saying how important it would be not to have sufficient Oil in the car. So I need to check my tyres fortnightly not monthly, and stop when the red oil warning light pops up.
Good to be reminded.
Some times wipers don’t even last two years, especially after a bad winter.
good little quiz, got them all right. Must see how my wife gets on
I stopped the car when the oil light came on & phoned Fords, they told me to drive it to a garage!
Did worse than thought. But with CV difficult getting service booked. Then wipers cleaned and good after two years. Anti freeze changed when bought car. -25 on MOT So looks good