Quiz: Do you know how to prepare your car for summer driving?

Quiz: Do you know how to prepare your car for summer driving?

Drivers often check their car during the poor weather that rolls in with the winter. But those everyday safety checks are just as relevant in the summer. And whether motorists are simply commuting to work or planning a great escape to France for the summer holiday season, these pointers could keep drivers and their family safe and ensure they stay on the right side of the law.

Naturally, the Green Flag blog has lots of helpful advice on how to look after a car. But to encourage more drivers to consider their car’s general condition, we thought it was time to test everyone’s car knowledge and common sense – with our summer driving quiz.

So flex those brain cells and give it a go. After all, it could help you have a smooth roadtrip this summer.





#1. What’s the speed limit on a dry French motorway?

Looks like you need to do a little more preparation for summer driving!

#2. When taking your car abroad in Europe, it’s advisable to…

Looks like you need to do a little more preparation for summer driving!

#3. When checking your tyres, what is the legal minimum tread depth?

Looks like you need to do a little more preparation for summer driving!

#4. What’s the best way to check an engine’s oil level?

Looks like you need to do a little more preparation for summer driving!

#5. On average, how often should air-conditioning be serviced?

Looks like you need to do a little more preparation for summer driving!

#6. How much engine coolant fluid should be in the reservoir?

Looks like you need to do a little more preparation for summer driving!

#7. In France, what sticker should British registered cars display on the back of the vehicle?

Looks like you need to do a little more preparation for summer driving!

#8. What fluid can a car battery be filled with?

Looks like you need to do a little more preparation for summer driving!

#9. How do you know if windscreen wipers need replacing?

Looks like you need to do a little more preparation for summer driving!

#10. What should you keep in the boot of a car during summer motoring?

Looks like you need to do a little more preparation for summer driving!


25 comments on “Quiz: Do you know how to prepare your car for summer driving?

  1. Tony Hope 30/06/2017 12:57 PM

    Would be nice to know the one I got wrong. Probably the speed limit in France where I’m not likely to be driving.

    • Trevor Stephens 07/08/2017 5:10 PM

      speed limit in france

    • Err1234 10/08/2017 9:18 AM

      The answer for Speed limit on motorway in France varies. On some sections it’s 130kph / c80mph in dry weather. But in wet weather it’s 110kph. It can also drop down to 90kph but usually near junctions…

    • Lynette Nicholls 14/08/2017 9:14 AM

      The correct answers are underlined in green.

    • Anthony Townsend 14/08/2017 9:03 PM

      go back and change the one you think is wrong then finish again

  2. Pat Sayers 04/08/2017 12:22 PM

    Would like to know what one i got wrong

  3. Chris Carne 04/08/2017 4:10 PM

    Drinking water for occupants in case of being stuck in motorway and dual carriageway closures caused by rtc’s.

  4. Mike Coke 05/08/2017 11:02 AM

    I’m 74 and never driven on the continent and don’t intend to now or in the future !

  5. Gary 05/08/2017 2:21 PM

    What a thing to get wrong, tyre depth.

  6. Doug Marsh 06/08/2017 6:19 AM

    Have a a quiz just for driving in this country, we do not all drive abroad Thank you.

  7. Charles Ruston Hebden 06/08/2017 9:22 AM

    I also would like to know wbich one I got wrong. Unsure about speed limit in France so probably that one

  8. Martin Dodd 06/08/2017 9:42 AM

    I agree with Tony Hope !!!

  9. Alan Brown 07/08/2017 7:56 AM

    Yes I agree as I may have got that one wrong

  10. david jones 07/08/2017 9:24 AM

    same question as Tony Hope and for the same reason

  11. Ah flack 08/08/2017 9:32 AM

    Nice quiz 9/10

  12. About to drive 1000 miles abroad..... 08/08/2017 9:48 AM

    What is the point if you don’t supply the correct answers?

  13. Michal 08/08/2017 11:07 AM

    @Tony Hope After click finish you can go up and will se the red underline on wrong answer and green underline on all correct answers

  14. Old Git 10/08/2017 6:18 PM

    The correct answers are highlighted and the incorrect tell you which one is incorrect after you click on the finish button. Go back over the answers and the comments are after each question

  15. steelbreeze 11/08/2017 1:01 PM

    Don’t agree that high vis vest is particularly required for summer driving, mine lives in the car at all times! What a silly question!

  16. Dutton 13/08/2017 7:48 AM

    I disagree with answer to Q3.
    You should carry the safety equipment in your car ALL year round, not just Summer. A sunshield would help reflect heat during the day.
    Never have and probably never will drive in France.
    Now I know the correct tyre depth.
    Thanks for the quiz, though.
    Keep them coming.

  17. paul 15/08/2017 2:32 AM

    i got ten out of ten but then again its not rocket science more of just a case of common sense , however one of the questions about what you should carry is not really something set in stone but what is mentioned are just the very basics.

  18. Gillian 16/08/2017 10:21 AM

    I would have liked to know what I did wrong

  19. Lloyd Jones 17/08/2017 9:40 AM

    Damn! Does that mean I need to take off my ‘Honk if you are horny sticker”? Actually, I’ll leave it on.. An old lady on her mobility scooter tooted at me yesterday….

  20. FJWhite 18/08/2017 9:52 PM

    Never going abroad so I don’t care what speed limits are.

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